William Most, in his capacity as Of Counsel to the ATA Law Group, represents four clients who are suing Uber for its refusal to provide wheelchair-accessible vehicles in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Jackson, Mississippi.
Uber appealed a lower court decision to the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, arguing that our clients did not have standing to sue under the Americans With Disabilities Act. Uber also argued that our clients should be forced into compliance with Uber’s arbitration agreement - even though our clients had never seen, signed, or agreed to those terms.
Today, in a unanimous opinion, the Court of Appeals denied every single one of Uber's arguments for why the case should not move forward.
“All I want is to take an Uber, just like everyone else. This ruling by the Ninth Circuit is a step in the direction of equality. Hopefully, Uber will do the right thing by offering wheelchair-accessible vehicles in New Orleans – just like Uber does in other cities.”
– Francis Falls, a plaintiff in Namisnak v. Uber
Read the opinion here: https://www.publicjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Namisnak-v.-Uber-9th-circuit-opinion.pdf